NHS Greater Manchester Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership

Health professionals and pulmonary rehabilitation class

Keep Active, Breathe Better

Pulmonary rehabilitation is delivered by a team of physiotherapists, nurses and occupational therapists. See the information on their roles below.

  • Respiratory Physiotherapist
  • Respiratory Occupational Therapist
  • Respiratory Nurse
  • Therapy Assistants

    The role of the physiotherapist is to tailor your exercise programme to your needs – changing the intensity or the exercises.  They can also provide ways of clearing your chest if sputum is causing you problems.


    Occupational therapists offer expertise in managing your condition on a day to day basis by teaching you ways of conserving your energy when doing every day activities. They can also provide equipment or adaptations if appropriate.

    The nurses will review your respiratory medication and offer advice on using your inhalers correctly. They will also provide education and information on dealing with chest infections and flare ups of your condition.

    Therapy assistants support the team to deliver exercise training programmes and education.

In addition, health professionals such as dieticians, psychologists, and pharmacists may also be actively involved depending on each pulmonary rehab service.

If you would like to read more information about the pulmonary rehabilitation programme, click on and download below.

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“It’s really important for patients to see the programme as a kick-start to improving and managing their lung condition long-term.”